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Canada has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, and the majority of its citizens work to meet their financial obligations. As a result, many Canadians may require the assistance of someone to look after their children and elders at home. The best option for ensuring the safety and well-being of your children at home is to hire a live-in caregiver. These caregivers labor at home and assist children with daily activities. Canada manages a range of programs to assist caregivers with finding work and obtaining permanent residency. Canada’s immigration department plans to finalize 6,000 caregiver applications for permanent residence by December 31, 2021.

The Home Child Care Provider and Home Support Worker pilots were launched in 2019. These pathways to permanent residence for caregivers offer occupation-specific work permits, rather than employer-specific work permits. This means caregivers do not have to remain tied to one employer as long as they are still working in their occupation. 


  • Home Child Care Provider Pilot

The Home Child Care Provider Pilot is designed to bring workers with experience as Home Child Care Providers (NOC 4411) to Canada on temporary work permits, with the ability to apply for permanent residence after gaining enough work experience. This program opened to applications on June 18th, 2019, with a maximum of 2,750 candidates and their immediate families accepted yearly.


  • Home Support Worker Pilot

The Home Support Worker Pilot is designed to bring workers with experience as Home Support Workers (NOC 4412) to Canada on temporary work permits, with the ability to apply for permanent residence after gaining enough work experience. This program opened to applications on June 18th, 2019, with a maximum of 2,750 candidates and their immediate families accepted yearly.


Program Requirements

1. CLB 5 in English or French

2. 1 year or higher post - secondary education credential, Canadian or ECA-verified.

3. Intent and ability to perform the task required in the NOC description and measured by providing work experience and/or training through documentation.

4. Full time job offer from a Canadian employer outside of Quebec.

How we can help?

Peak Ventures Immigration can expertly manage your case with

  • Identifying the best strategy to get your visa

  • Complete all the required documents for success

  • Advising you on how to present your case

  • Advising you on finances to be shown

  • Filling of forms

  • Make sure your application has the highest chance of success

We not only assist you in completing and submitting your application but also providing advice on the best solutions for your specific situation.

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