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A self-employed individual usually works independently. The worker does not have anyone overseeing their activities. The worker is usually free to work when and for whom they choose and may provide their services to different payers at the same time. The worker can accept or refuse work from the payer. Self-employed farmers, international, professional athletes, or individuals in the arts and culture industry who can prove that they have the potential to be gainfully self-employed in Canada are eligible for a business immigration visa, provided they meet the selection criteria for the Federal Self-Employed Persons Program (Requirements are explained below).

In contrast to other types of business immigration, where applicants must invest a certain amount of their own money in a company or government, or obtain funding from a private organization, eligible applicants are only required to show proof of their industry experience and evidence that they are successfully self-employed. Self-employed persons who intend to live in Quebec are not eligible under this program and should apply under the Quebec Self-Employed Program. 


To qualify for this program, applicants must have the relevant experience, intention and ability to either:

  • make a significant contribution to the cultural or sporting life in Canada as artisans or as athletes at an international level; or

  • purchase and manage a farm in Canada.


The National Occupation Classification (NOC) of Canada has a complete list of all the career types that fall under two categories (NOC group 51 and NOC group 52) which, for the most part, there is no exception to.

NOC Group 51 (Professional Occupations in art and Culture)


  • Librarians, archivists, conservators and curators.

  • Writing, translating and related communications professionals.

  • Creative and performing artists.


NOC Group 52 (Technical Occupations in art, Culture, Recreation and Sports)


  • Technical occupations in libraries, public archives, museum and art galleries.

  • Photographers, graphic arts technicians and technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts.

  • Announcers and other performers.

  • Creative designers and craftsperson

  • Athletics, Coaches, Referees and Related occupations.

One of the best aspects of the Self- employed Program, which distinguishes it from an Entrepreneur's Visa Program, is that there is no criterion for financial worth. However, you must have sufficient funds for immigration purposes, which includes supporting any dependents (spouse or children) you wish to bring into the country with you, according to standard visa procedures. This means you may run your business on your own terms, contributing to the Canadian economy in your own unique way, without the constraints of a profit margin or a corporate mindset.


There are also plenty of different career options to choose from, meaning that even if you're currently working in one field such as teacher (for yourself) but you have adequate experience in something else in your country of origin (E.g author), you can discuss with us about which path would be a better option for successful immigration.


Requirements: You must 

  • have Two 1 - year periods of full time work experience in an eligible role in the last 5 years

  • be Self - employed in an eligible occupation OR involve in an eligible occupation at a world - class level OR both (1 year of each).

  • Demonstrate intension and ability to continue these cultural/athletic activities to self-support in Canada and make a significant contribution to the specified economic activity.


*You can demonstrate your intent and ability through business plan, business experience, partners, exploratory visa, finances etc.

*The applicant and immediate family members must undertake medical exams and security risk assessments, as well as establish that they will have sufficient settlement monies to sustain themselves and their family after they arrive in Canada, as with most other Canadian immigration programs.


Selection Criteria

The applicants will then be assessed based on the selection criteria given in the table below. Applicants must earn a minimum of 35 point out of 100 potential points if they want to immigrate to Canada as self-employed person.


        Selection Criteria                             Maximum Points

        Education                                        25

        Experience                                      35

        Age                                               10

        Ability in English and/or French           24

        Adaptability                                     6


        Total                                               100


Important to note:

  • You cannot apply online for this program, its only by mail. After completing and signing the requested forms, assembling the supporting documentation, and paying your fees, you will have to send the application by mail to this address.

How we can help?

Peak Ventures Immigration can expertly manage your case with

  • Identifying the best strategy to get your visa

  • Complete all the required documents for success

  • Advising you on how to present your case 

  • Advising you on finances to be shown

  • Filling of forms

  • Make sure your application has the highest chance of success

We not only assist you in completing and submitting your application but also providing advice on the best solutions for your specific situation.

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